Saturday, March 15, 2014

Soyi Lee 201302405/2014/Intermediate English Writing(1) Tue. 12

 On January 1st this year, I was asked, "What's your resolution for 2014?". Unfortunately I could not answer to such questions because it has been somewhat long since I have not set my plans or think about the future.

 In the past when I was young, I would set my own rules and decisions for a new year, write them down on fancy notes and promised myself to obey them. I had thought that I needed to, although I had never perfectly kept those rules. However things were different from 2011. In December that year, I failed to go to any universities and decided to do it again. Nothing was achieved and I had no idea what to do next. Since then, I realized how reckless it was to set my plans or goals and try hard to achieve them; firstly, in my experience, it is hard to remember all those and keep them. Moreover, as time goes by, things change and attitudes change. For example, in 2011, I decided to go to Europe with my families and friends. However, since I didn't know what to do next year, and I had no money, I couldn't make it real. Like so, nobody knows what is going to happen and what is going to change. It was once said that "Don't think about the future. Live today. Nobody guarantees that you'll be alive tomorrow. Live like it's the last day for you."

 The calendar on my desk is saying that this year is 2014, but to me, it does not matter whether today is 2014 or 2015. I'm just living 'right now' which will not come to me again. I try my best to enjoy every second and be happy. Friends and parents say that this year would be different because I be a representative of a club. I am responsible for recruiting members, managing the club's activities and camps, and holding a forum. People around me are anticipating that all these could be huge burden to me. However, I know that this precious time and opportunity does not come again. I try to enjoy and take full advantages of every event this year, as if it is the last day for me.   

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