Saturday, May 31, 2014

Xeniya Pak/Why I am qualified for my dream job / Tuesday 11a.m.

Pak Xeniya 201301459

Important skills for my dream job

Talking about a future job, people usually consider not only about their dream job but also the most perspective and prestige jobs. Answering the question about dream job usually we are concerned about choosing a profession. However I was sure from the early age that I wanted to learn few foreign languages, but first I didn't know how to apply that knowledge in my future career. I didn't want to become a teacher, so the most appropriate choice for me was to become a translator. I thought it will be enough just learn the techniques of doing translations, but it turned out that there are skills that are necessary for me to become a successful translator: to be erudite, to be able to criticize own work and to be literate in mother tongue.  

The most significant skill in order to become a translator is being literate in mother tongue.  I believe that it is impossible to become translator if we don't know our own native language. Therefore, translators shouldn't concentrate only on learning foreign language but also it is important for them to study grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary of a native language.

The second most significant skill that I need to possess in order to become a good translator is being erudite. Translator is the most widespread profession in the world. However attending the classes that teach you techniques of translation is not enough to become a translator. There is no doubt that first of all getting a good education is very important but enhancing knowledge all the time is also essential part in translations.  I believe that a good translator has to sort out the types of translation and do some extra researches to improve knowledge about the topic. I have to be aware of different topics such as politics, sport or literature. To achieve this I must to read books or newspaper, watch news and do research.

The least important skill that I have to improve is being self-criticized. Translator has to evaluate his own translation fairly, regularly analyze the work that they did and these will help to define mistakes and correct them. I think that it is not easy to see mistakes in own translation; moreover many translators are not qualified and don't have the ability to criticize themselves. Therefore, at the beginning of my career the best translator is my own translator, the person who I can trust and who really can help me to evaluate the quality of my work.

In summary, in order to be qualified for my dream job there important skills that I need to improve.  First is being erudite which will help me to become aware of different types of topic, second is having the ability to criticize myself to find mistakes in my work and the next is being competent in native language. All these represent skills that lead to successful career for translator. 

Kseniya Pak

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