Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Taehwan Bak/ Exercise B/ Tuesday 34

Good and bad teachers

In our life we meet a lot of teachers. Some guide us to a path of prosperity while others leave a negative impression. A year before my high school graduation I was fortunate to come across a wonderful Spanish teacher, who was called by her Spanish title, Señorita. S. On my first day in her class: "Hey I know y'all are too old to sing songs in class but believe me you're going to be singing this song to yourself when you're stuck in a test." Despite the fairly old age group Señorita. S was teaching she did a lot of things such as singing nursery songs, playing games, and baking brownies just for her students to learn efficiently. Señorita. S would go the extra mile and interact with her students on a personal level. She made a colorful chart with every one of her student's birthday written on it, and on that day the class would celebrate and she would bake a cake for the birthday girl or boy. I doubt I will find a teacher who dedicates herself to her job like Señorita. S, and am proud to call her my teacher.

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