Junseok Kang
Religion is expired
"Imagine there is no heaven, It is easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky." John lennon sang. Many scientist and philosophers have raised the question about the religion in present. Does God exist? Does religion has adverse effects as many as its good function? There are plenty of different dispute. What I want to deal with is "Do we still need religion?" Someone might ask how do people know what is good or wrong if there is no religion. Like this quote, religion has been maintained its prevalent status as a moral guide over other ethics standard. But I want to point out what makes it is beyond others, how have it functioned and is still valid in modern times.
Let's leave the argument about the existence of God. I believe that the concept of God existence just has provided superiority over other ethics. In fact, there are numerous secular morality. One of the examples is humanism and legal system. Legal system has been improved over human being's history. It has been functioned as a solid standard of being good. Also humanism gives us firm theoretical base for concept of goodness.
Also I highly doubt that religion has functioned well. If you closely look into the history, religion has been abused as a ground of racism, imperialism and unjust warfare for long time. It has been given the morality superiority and legitimacy to absurd actions. We have to think about that conquest and slavery in Africa and other regions started with missionary purpose. The people of 'chosen by God' has ludicrous superiority over other races and countries, these sort of religiously interpreted idea lead many big tragedies in history like endless wars in middle east.
So I want to ask about if the religion as a moral standard is still valid or not. I think the religion is expired. It had been written thousand years ago. For centuries, many thing have been changed. The thing which is considered immoral and sin in the past like homosexuality has its own deserved status now. What bible says not to do or wrong doesn't necessary mean that it is evil anymore. Also freethinking, humanism and legal system completely replaced religion's old role. They provides us enough ethics background.
However if someone points out that the role of religion as a comfort giving, I have to admit that it is what religion is good at. In the unpredictable and sometimes painful world, the religion gives us the comfort and confidence that make us to get over and carry on life. Recently many scientists and philosopher have tried to find an explanation about the agonies people are going through. But it is hard to deny that the idea someone almighty take care of us is the most comforting for us to depend on.
Religion is expired. Science and secular philosophy have given us more than enough explanation about the things people were looking for in the bible. Its role as a moral guide is also outdated and sometimes even it seems too narrowed to apply to the modern world. But still has it's irreplaceable function as comfort giving.
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