Junseok Kang
How can I be happy?
Like the definition of darkness is absent of light, some people may define happiness as an absence of sadness. Unlike the definition of darkness, people know that it is impossible to take sadness out from the world we live. So happiness is impossible to have? If sorrow is part of everyone's life, how possibly one be happy? I think it starts from accepting the fact sadness is part of our life.
Let's face it. On the other part of earth, some people still struggle with famine, which the humankind blindly believe we overcome a decade of ago. For them who have a difficulty with having each meal every day, happiness is different from people live in so called the first world. But one thing we have common is that doing good a deed makes ourselves happy. Helping others makes feel good. It gives the idea that even there is misery out but we have a little part of control. For example, when I volunteered at the disabled children institution, helping the children gave me a great of happiness. At the moment I was not willing to do volunteer work. However while assisting their meal and cleaning the facilities, the smiles they gave to me made my whole day worth. It made me to think that I can reduce the hardship they're going through also I can make others happy. Also it gave the feeling that I can control the small part of sadness of the world.
Positive and worries-free attitude also can make people themselves happy. Okay let's admit that the world has many awful parts. The media says that we live in the world of anxiety. Anxiety starts overwhelm us. Newspaper has kept saying to us that the prospect of the world economy is poorer, which will increase unemployment rate in the near future. Even I can't even remember the time the economy was great. Recent decade a cancer has become no.1 cause for the death. Many TV shows starts to tell us how to cure the terrible incurable disease. In these anxiety obsessed society, staying positive seems not easy indeed. However, none of these worries would make people happy. So I believe that accepting the dark side of life, and looking the bright side is essential way to become happy. Once I read the article about the man who lived the underground bunker for 12 years the scare of Y2K. Funny thing is the Y2K disaster didn't even happen like what many press made a noise at that time. We mock his stupidity. However, this foolish man might be a reflection of ourselves who is worrying about the thing has come yet or will not happen.
Life can't be always delightful. However, helping others and worries free attitude is a great starts of becoming happy.
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